If I said, 'do you love me?' Would you say, 'Ye-oh'? If I said, 'do you need me?' Would you say, 'Ye-oh'?

Я часто слышу мнение, что работа на кухне совсем не сложная, и чего это многие жалуются. Но это на самом деле тяжелый труд. Наверно только тот, кто не мыслит своей жизни без кухни и еды, сможет выдержать эту нагрузку.
Есть такая замечательная подборка, в которой практически все правда: 50 Things They Never Told You About Being a Chef
То, что я выделила для себя)
* You'll almost always have open wounds on your hands and arms
* You'll eventually start swearing like a sailor and you won't even notice yourself doing it (печальная правда, и все старательно делают вид, что этого нет))
* You'll never ever have a tan ever again
* Your feet will get destroyed
* Your back will get destroyed
* Your hands will get destroyed
* You'll live in a constant state of sleep deprivation, indefinitely
* You'll spend the largest part of your life cooped up in a small, undecorated room withpoor ventilation, high temperatures, a lot of noise, humidity, no natural light and nowindows, with a small group of people who will become your only social interactions (повезло, что окна до пола)
* You will spend all your waking hours on your feet, never getting a chance to sit downeven for 5 minutes
* You will not cook gourmet dinners at home. You'll be too tired, and too fed up of cooking
* It will become very difficult to watch friends cook
* At least one year out of two, and maybe every year, you will work Christmas, New Year'sEve, Easter, Valentine's day, Mother's day, Father's day, bank holidays, Halloween, your birthday, and pretty much every other day of celebration on the calendar
* You will spend vast amounts of money on equipment, books, eating in good restaurantsetc, which will leave you with not much money for other things
* You will develop a creepy obsession with knives
* If you are a pastry chef, you will develop a creepy obsession with spoons (ахаха, ложки наше все)

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@темы: Разное из жизни